Daniel Miller, I feel sorry for you

From Skeptical Gooner : Daniel Miller, I feel sorry for you

Do you really believe all that you’ve written down?

You need serious treatment from a wel- qualified therapist, mate

1) Wenger is a developmental manager who made donkeys like Song and Greedybayor into swans. Really?

Song was a DONKEY till the last day he was here. As was Greedy except for that one season wonder. The difference between them now and when at Arsenal was that at Arsenal they would get a hall pass for all their frequent buffonary from the “developmental manager” Wenger. And AKB’s. Some AKB’s would describe SOng as as a top class DM. Other managers at other clubs and their fans are not as kind, tolerant and indulgent. Plain and simple.

2) Yeah, sure alchemy isn’t an exact science.

But any science that produces a handful of good players and then overloads that with horse dung shabaan, cygan, warmuz, senderos, hoyte, almunia, eboue, diaby, denilson, bendtner, ramsey, squilacci, Silvestre, chamakh, park, wright, santos, fabianski etc. etc. fucking etc. is science having gone completely wrong.

Name me on striker that Lord Wenger has brought about as a “developmental” manager with that Garden of Eden-like famed youth academy in 16 years. Name me one good defender he’s brought along in 16 years.

3) Luck is thin. Yeah it sure is. If only Diaby had stayed fit..if only this and that had not happened. Oh if only if only.

If only Wenger was not paid more than Ferguson was. Jeez. Any man citing “if only” while being paid 7.5M/year deserves the sack immediately.

4) Yes, I think Wenger doesn’t want to win. He lives in his own Utopian world where trophies don’t matter. Where fourth is the new first.

Where endless sideways and back passing stats count more than goals. Where “illusionary domination” should win games rather than goals scored.

5) This season we have an “extremely promising” team, is it?

What, are you the gatekeeper of Wenger’s utopian world?

Name me one different thing about this team from the team that sneaked into fourth last season on the last day..Oh sorry..I forgot. Sanago.

That world class player with an injury record as bad as Diaby’s that every big club was chasing down. The same one who almost quit and became a postman. Christ..unreal. Yeah Diaby will be back..like he has been since 2011.

6) Same old..be careful what you wish. If not Wenger than who? No one is available. Blah blah

7) Yeah Moyes, Pellegrini et all will fail and finally Wenger will win. I’ll believe it when I see it. Pathetic that it’s now down to AKB’s wishing everyone else screws up thereby Wenger winning by default than any genuine wish to the coach of the decade achieving anything on his own.Ever heard of the term “begging for divine intervention”?

You have severe delusion if you think Mourinho is a has-been. You need help sooner than I thought.